The Murray Clan Society
Added on 27 May 2024
Saturday 25th May 2024 saw the annual Atholl Highlanders' Parade take place at Blair Castle, Blair Atholl. The inspecting officer this year was Major General Alastair Bruce of Crionaich OBE VR DL, Governor of Edinburgh Castle:
2.30 pm Blair Castle forecourt: March On under command of RSM Graham Jack. Major Aubyn Stewart-Wilson, Parade Commander takes over command from RSM. Officers fall in.
3.00 pm The Inspecting Officer, Major General Alastair Bruce of Crionaich OBE VR DL, Governor of Edinburgh Castle; Major the Marquis of Tullibardine; and Lt. Col. The Earl of Kinnoull, Commanding Officer of the Atholl Highlanders arrive on Parade. General salute field gun fires. Parade Commander orders the Colours to be marched on. Inspection of the Pipes and Drums and the Highlanders. Music from the Pipe Band. March past and salute to the inspecting officer. Presentation of Juniper, Awards and Trophies by The Marquis of Tullibardine. March Off.
3.45 pm Parade ended.